Intellectual Disability


In terms of cognitive functioning and abilities, such as social, communication, and self-care skills, intellectual disability (ID) refers to a person's limitations. These limitations may cause a child to develop and learn more slowly than a child who is generally healthy and developing properly, or in another way. Intellectual disability can manifest at any time, even before birth, before a child turns 18 years old. It is possible for trauma, sickness, or a neurological condition to cause mental retardation, which was the old term for intellectual disability. Unknown circumstances are the root of many children's intellectual problems.

Some causes of intellectual disability, including Down syndrome, foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fragile X syndrome, birth anomalies, and infections, can manifest before birth. Others happen right after or during labour. Genetic disorders are frequent causes of intellectual impairments. These are caused by inherited genetic flaws, genetic fusion errors, or other genetic issues that developed during pregnancy as a result of infections, excessive x-ray exposure, or other factors. There are many genetic factors that contribute to intellectual disability. One such instance is the single gene disorder PKU (phenylketonuria).

Children with PKU lack or have a dysfunctional enzyme that allows them to digest the amino acid phenylalanine, which is a part of proteins. If not treated, phenylalanine builds up in the blood and causes intellectual disability. pregnancy-related issues. A baby who does not develop normally inside the mother may be intellectually challenged. For instance, the baby's cell division may be problematic. A pregnant woman who drinks alcohol or has a disease like rubella during her pregnancy may also have a child with intellectual problems. postpartum complications The brain can be harmed by trauma, such as a head injury or a near-drowning experience, as well as by diseases including whooping cough, chicken pox, measles, and Hib disease, which can cause encephalitis and meningitis. Pollutants found in the environment, such as lead and mercury, have the potential to permanently impair the neurological system and brain.

Poverty and cultural deprivation - Children who live in poverty are more likely to experience malnutrition, childhood diseases, be exposed to environmental dangers to their health, and commonly receive poor medical care. These components raise the risk of intellectual impairment. Many typical cultural and educational possibilities that are available to other kids may not be available to children in poor neighbourhoods. A lack of stimulus like this can have lasting effects and contribute to intellectual disability, according to study. either illnesses or toxic exposure. Conditions like meningitis, whooping cough, or measles can cause intellectual impairments. Other potential causes include severe undernourishment, substandard medical care, or exposure to poisons like lead or mercury.